screaming snot-over possible the collapse of one of the centers of the tourism industry
Taki oh-wei and how awful it is, and strashnozhit.
"Russian Egyptologists are extremely alarmed by the situation with the perishing heritage of the Arab Republic Egypt in the days of military confrontation in the country. On the background of political and economic components of the tragedy unfolding in Egypt is almost entirely outside world's attention remained numerous looting of museums, archaeological storage and archaeological zones of the country. Meanwhile, it is not just about the vandalism, but about "the possible collapse of one of the largest centers for global tourism industry - it is an extremely attractive for a world tour, the object has long since turned into the golden fund of world culture "(p). "Ancient Egypt" very good odds for cash in the form a variety of handicrafts - from the "Scarabs" and "papyrus" to statues of the gods - from the hands of many traders. "Ancient Egypt" collects very good money in the form of entrance fees to museums, which displays the defiled corpses Egyptian archaeologists - for this desecration of these wretched remains have experienced no casualties at the hands of the Arabs at the end of January this year, and at the hands of gentlemen scientists atheists, without any respect relating to equal all beliefs and traditions of all civilizations and nations of the earth and do not stop in its bohogulnom vanity at nothing in order to expose another corpse in the window of the museum. No need to be a genius to realize that this act of profanation committed the one who reveals the grave remove the corpse and puts it in the window, not the one who breaks this disgusting display case.
"At the same time I would like to acknowledge the huge role ordinary Egyptians, who, while respecting and appreciating the heritage of their forefathers ... "- well, of course, on this" ancestral heritage "simple Egyptians" do very good money - exposing the remains of the "ancestors" of money on display prazdnoshatajushchejsja profane - so why should not they protect source their income, the "golden fund of world culture" that lays the golden eggs.
Nation, whose face became a tourist industry, a nation that profit from corpses of their ancestors, is doomed, people protesting against this state of affairs - the best representatives of this nation.
"Suspects Arrested the theft of artifacts from the Cairo Museum "
" ... the most interesting for tourists age of pharaohs of ancient Egypt. "
exponential ogovorochka. that is all it is in the tourist business, and not mad for "heritage of their ancestors." The only thing hurt "naslednichkam" - what it can do damage Egypt's tourist image.
Thieves can and will be caught, but not major. Also the main thieves - gentlemen scholars infidels, whose hands are very long it was stolen from graves and which should be hung on lampposts in the form of holiday decorations to celebrate the overthrow of the tyrant, the patron these atheists, but who, unfortunately, long buried with military honors at home. Scum, for which costs nothing to unearth and plunder the grave should be taught good manners by their carcasses drying in the sun until the natural mummification - or at least the exhumation of corpses and exhibiting in the museum showcases the remains of all these casings, Carnarvon and other Indiana-Jones nedorezanyh.
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