Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Inflatable Baby Walker

A bit late, but came

Well, after months (and I mean months ...) on LJ, I have finally decided to write my first entry. Actually, it was time.

now could not be busier, my 18 years and just started uni yesterday, but anyway, c'est la vie, and better start this now within 4 months when you get the tests and have no time even to go to the bathroom, much less write.

A moment ago I was watching TV with a drowsy after lunch, and SLQH I have to laugh a little absurd program of the heart when I learn that T5 had denounced LS by "inappropriate use of its intellectual property", in programs like SLQH and the Intermediate, and the judge has given the reason, prohibiting any kind of broadcast chain. Of course, we know that very recently was the same with youtube, but I really expected the T5 had a little bit of shame, or perhaps do not realize that they also work with images Sketsa genes and other chains, as in "The Image Search? By the same token, T5 should compensate all the chains which has used "stealing intellectual property", as they like to say.

But in reality, as we all know, what hurts is not the use of their programs, no, what sucks is to have a pain in the ass so hard that tells you who you are and the shit that you emit every other ; and day out, not to exploit it and stay at home. Thank God LS will appeal, so hopefully continue kicking ass SLQH a good time, because only when there is trash on television will have SLQH. Besitos